Lesson 2 – Let’s Begin 1- Ee

Lesson 2 of Let’s Begin 1; Ee from Let’s Go English book series.  

We learned about the first letter in the English alphabet and the way to write it, in the previous lesson from the book “Let’s Begin 1”. It was related to the first letter of the English language, the letter “Aa”. We also saw examples of some words that start with this letter and learned how to read them. You are learning the next lesson now; Lesson 2 of Let’s Begin 1 English book is related to the English Alphabet letter “Ee“. 

Ee” is the 5th letter of the English alphabet. This letter is the second letter of vowels in the English language. Since the arrangement of the lessons in Let’s Begin 1 book is based on vowels and silent letters, it has been assigned the second lesson of the book.
The English student is expected to listen carefully to the name and pronunciation of this letter and learn how to say them clearly, correctly, and quickly. Please watch the video lesson several times carefully repeat the words while reading them and pay close attention to the pronunciations afterward. The words that are included in this lesson for better learning are:

It is a boy’s name in the English language Eddie


🥚 Egg



Let’s Begin 1- Lesson 2; Ee Video Lesson:

Click Here to watch this video lesson on YouTube.

There are two very useful sentences in English on the second page of the lesson, page 9. They are taught in the conversation part of the lesson, on the second page of the lesson. 

What is your name?

I’m Eddie.

As you can see, we use the question “What’s your name?” to ask about the name of a person in English. This sentence is actually the short form of the sentence “What is your name?“.  English speakers usually used to make many words and phrases shorter in their colloquial conversations.  It became one of the main problems behind learning the English language. Understanding this feature of English colloquial conversations can help English students to learn it sooner and easier. That is why the term “What is” was shortened to “What’s“.

The way of writing the letter “Ee” is taught in the writing part of this lesson, which is very simple and easy. The English students are expected to watch this section carefully to learn how to write it correctly. As can be seen in the video file, the capital letter E has one vertical line and three smaller horizontal lines, which are sticking to the vertical line on the 3 lines of the notebook.

In the three-line notebook that you have considered for your writing homework, the capital letter E should be written in such a way that the vertical line is to be set exactly on the three drawn lines of the notebook while the beginning and end lines of capital letter E should be exactly tangent to the first and third lines of the notebook.

The three horizontal lines that stick to the vertical line are placed on the lines of the 3-line exercise notebook in such a way that the middle of the capital letter E must also be exactly on the middle line, the second line, of the notebook. Please note that the 2nd horizontal line is a little smaller than 2 other small horizontal lines that are connected to the vertical line while writing the capital letter E in your notebook. Considering this point will make your handwriting better and more beautiful.

Lesson 2 of Let’s Begin 1; Ee

Click here to watch the previous lesson (the first lesson of Let’s Begin Book 1).

Click here to watch the next lesson (lesson 3 of Let’s Begin Book 1).

Click here to see the list of all lessons from the Let’s Begin 1 book.

About Ahmad Osmani

Ahmad Osmani
I’m Ahmad Osmani, an English teacher and translator with over 17 years of experience. Since the website was launched, I’ve taken on the roles of both administrator and writer. My background includes studying Translation Studies and English Language. I have a passion for learning and teaching various languages. Writing, Teaching and Translating are my primary professions.

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