عبارات اصطلاحی مربوط به Thought (فکر) در زبان انگلیسی


فکر - Thought
فکر – Thought

در این پست عبارات و اصطلاحاتی خدمت شما معرفی می شود که در آنها از واژه “Thought” به معنی “فکر” و “خیال” استفاده شده است که از لحاظ گرامری نقش اسم دارد. معنی این واژه به تنهایی و بدون ترکیب شدن با واژه های دیگر در خیلی از فرهنگ لغت های انگلیسی به صورت زیر آمده است:


گمان ، اندیشه ، افکار ، خیال ، عقیده ، نظر ، قصد ، سر ، مطلب ، چیزفکرى ، استدلال ، تفکر

Thought : /θɔːt/

IDEA, notion, opinion, view, impression, feeling, theory; judgement, assessment, conclusion.
HOPE, aspiration, ambition, dream; intention, idea, plan, design, aim.
THINKING, contemplation, musing, pondering, consideration, reflection, introspection, deliberation, rumination, meditation, brooding, reverie, brown study, concentration; formal cogitation.
COMPASSION, sympathy, care, concern, regard, solicitude, empathy; consideration, understanding, sensitivity, thoughtfulness, charity.

Source: Oxford


واژه “Thought” با ترکیب با عبارات، حروف اضافه، و واژه های دیگر اصطلاحاتی را تشکیل می دهد که معانی کاملا متفاوتی با هم دارند. در اینجا لیستی از این اصطلاحات (Expressions)، و هم آیی ها (Collocations)ی مربوط به واژه “Thought” را که یکی از کاربردی ترین لغات زبان انگلیسی می باشد تقدیم شما می کنم که امیدوارم مفید واقع شود:

فکر - Thought
فکر – Thought


گمان ، اندیشه ، افکار ، خیال ، عقیده ، نظر ، قصد ، سر ، مطلب ، چیزفکرى ، استدلال ، تفکر Thought
  I had no thought


I had no intention, it had not occurred to me

  a penny for your thoughts


what are you thinking about?

  bad thoughts

negative thoughts, negative ideas

  deep in thought

absorbed by many thoughts

  deep thoughts

negative thoughts, negative ideas

deep meditation, lots of consideration

  deep in thought

absorbed by many thoughts

  expressed his thoughts

made is opinion known, voiced his ideas, communicated his beliefs

  flirt with the thought

toy with the idea, consider the idea

  food for thought

something to consider, issue to think about

  free thought

right of each person to think what he wants

  gave it some thought

considered it, deliberated on it, reflected on it, thought about it

  gave voice to his thoughts

expressed his thoughts out loud

  give it some thought

contemplate on it, consider in, reflect on it

  giving thought to

contemplating, considering, reflecting on

  have second thoughts

possess doubts, think twice

  have second thoughts about

have doubts about, be uncertain about

  his secret thoughts

ideas and dreams which he kept to himself, thoughts that he told to no one

  immersed in thought

absorbed in thought

  immersed in thoughts

absorbed in thoughts

  lost in thought

preoccupied, meditating, deeply engrossed in thought

  much thought

great deal of thought

  noble thought

magnificent idea, splendid notion

  on second thought

after considering it again, after thinking again

  penny for your thoughts

what are you thinking about

  perish the thought!

god forbid!, heavens no!

  put a lot of thought into

thought a lot about, invested a lot of his time thinking about

  read thoughts

read what is happening in another’s mind

  sad thoughts

unhappy thoughts that cause melancholy

  school of thought

place of learning, place for intellectual debate

  second thoughts

additional thoughts, additional reflection; feelings of regret

  think black thoughts

think negative thoughts, think pessimistically

  thought disorder

disorder that affects the thought processes where connections between ideas are lost, loosening of associations (Psychiatry)

  thought transference

transferal of thoughts, telepathy

  train of thought

line of thought, continuity of thought, string of ideas



برای دیدن سایر اصطلاحات و لیست پست های مرتبط، اینجا را کلیک کنید

About Ahmad Osmani

Ahmad Osmani
I’m Ahmad Osmani, an English teacher and translator with over 17 years of experience. Since the website was launched, I’ve taken on the roles of both administrator and writer. My background includes studying Translation Studies and English Language. I have a passion for learning and teaching various languages. Writing, Teaching and Translating are my primary professions.

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