لغت هشتم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………….. Hesitate / ‘hezɪteɪt / Fail to act quickly; be undecided Nora hesitated to accept the challenge.* When he got to the robbers’ vicinity,* he hesitated before going on. The proverb tells us that he who hesitates is lost. سریع عمل نکردن، مردد بودن، تعلل کردن “نورا” در پذیرش مبارزه مردد …
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Decade -504-11-7
لغت هفتم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………….. Decade / ‘dekeɪd / Ten years After a decade of granting salary increases, my boss ended the practice. Many people moved out of this city in the last decade. I have a vision* that this decade will be better than the last one. ده سال، دهه بعد از یک دهه …
Read More »Recent -504-11-6
لغت ششم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………………… Recent / ‘rɪːsnt / Done, made, or occurring not long ago At a recent meeting, the Board of Education provided the evidence* we had been asking for. Bessie liked the old silent movies better than the more recent ones. Recent studies have concluded* that more people are unemployed than ever before. …
Read More »Glimpse -504-11-5
لغت پنجم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………….. Glimpse / glɪmps / A short, quick view This morning we caught our first glimpse of the beautiful shoreline. One glimpse of the very feminine* vision* was enough to tell Romeo that he loved Juliet. The tall shrubs kept us from getting a glimpse of the new people who inhabited* the beach …
Read More »Frequent -504-11-4
لغت چهارم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………… Frequent / ‘frɪːkwənt / Happening often; occurring repeatedly We made frequent visits to the hospital to see our grandfather. On frequent occasions Sam fell asleep in class. Dr. Bonner gave me some pills for my frequent headaches.. اغلب اتفاق می افتد، مرتب رخ می دهد، مکرر برای ملاقات با پدر بزرگمان، …
Read More »Vision -504-11-3
لغت سوم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………… Vision / ‘vɪʒn / Power of seeing; sense of sight With the aid of the binoculars, my vision improved enough to see the entire vicinity. Ted had perfect vision, and that helped to make him a good baseball player. The glasses that Irma bought corrected her nearsighted vision. قدرت دید، حس بینایی …
Read More »Solitary -504-11-2
لغت دوم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………. Solitary / ‘sɑlɪtərɪ /’sɒlɪtrɪ / Alone; single; only Sid’s solitary manner kept him from making new friendships. There was not a solitary piece of evidence* that Manuel had eaten the cheesecake. The convict went into a rage* when he was placed in a solitary cell. تنها، مجرد، انفرادی رفتار انزوا طلبانه …
Read More »Evidence -504-11-1
لغت اول از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………. Evidence / ‘evɪdəns / That which makes clear the truth or falsehood of something Each juror felt he needed more evidence before voting to convict the former football star. Her many awards were evidence enough that Leona excelled* in dancing. Our teacher ignored* the evidence that Simon had cheated on the test. …
Read More »Flexible -504-10-12
لغت دوازدهم از درس ۱۰ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………… Flexible / ‘fleksəbl / Easily bent; willing to yield The toy was flexible, and the baby could bend it easily. Remaining flexible, Nick listened to arguments from both sides. A mouse’s flexible body allows it to squeeze through narrow openings. تاشو، انعطاف پذیر اسباب بازی انعطاف پذیر بود و کودک …
Read More »Numerous -504-10-11
لغت یازدهم از درس ۱۰ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………. Numerous / ‘nuːmərəs /’nju-/ Very many; several Critics review numerous movies every week. Dr. Fischer had resisted* accepting money from the poor woman on numerous house calls. The debater* used numerous documents* to back up his statements. بسیار زیاد، متعدد منتقدان هر هفته فیلم های متعددی را بررسی می کنند. دکتر …
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