لغت ۱ درس ۲۳ کتاب ۵۰۴ Reptile / ˈrɛptʌɪl / (Noun & Adjective) a cold blooded animal that creeps or crawls; snakes, lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles, any animal which creeps or crawls, (informal: despicable person, base person; a person regarded with loathing and contempt) The lizard is a reptile with a very slender* body. Reptiles are kept in the …
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لغت ۱۱ و ۱۲ درس ۲۲ کتاب ۵۰۴
لغت ۱۱ درس ۲۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Penalize / ˈpiːn(ə)lʌɪz / (Verb) declare punishable by law or rule; set a penalty for, punish The Detroit Lions were penalized fifteen yards for their rough play. We were penalized for not following tradition.* Mrs. Robins penalized us for doing the math problem in ink. (فعل ) مجازات کردن، تنبیه کردن، کیفرى یا …
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لغت ۹ درس ۲۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Unstable / ʌnˈsteɪb(ə)l / (Adjective) not firmly fixed; easily moved or overthrown, likely to give way; not stable, unsteady, insecure, shaky; changeable, unpredictable Some unstable people may panic* when they find themselves in trouble. I could detect* that the drinking glass was unstable and about to fall. Cathy’s balance became unstable because she was …
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لغت ۷ درس ۲۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………………………… Spouse / spaʊz,-s / (Noun – Verb) husband or wife, mate When a husband prospers* in his business, his spouse benefits also. The woman and her spouse relieved* each other throughout the night at their child’s bedside. “May I bring my spouse to the office party?” Dorinda asked. (اسم – فعل) شوهر یا …
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لغت ۵ درس ۲۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Reject /rɪˈdʒɛkt/ (verb) – /ˈriːdʒɛkt/ (noun) (Verb & Noun) refuse to take, use, believe, consider, grant, etc. refuse, decline, deny, turn down When Sylvester tried to join the army, he was hoping the doctors would not reject him because of his eyesight. The reform* bill was unanimously* rejected by Congress. When his promotion was …
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لغت ۳ درس ۲۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Justice / ˈdʒʌstɪs / (Noun) Just conduct; fair dealing, equality, rightness, fairness; support of what is good and right, righteousness; administration of the appropriate punishment or reward, retribution; judicature; judge, magistrate Daniel Webster abandoned* any hope for justice once he saw the jury. Our pledge* to the flag refers to “liberty and justice for …
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لغت ۱ درس ۲۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Warden/ ˈwɔːd(ə)n / Keeper; guard; person in charge of a prison, jailer, official in charge of a prison; guardian; guard, protector; custodian, curator (Noun) The warden found himself facing two hundred defiant* prisoners. A cautious* warden always has to anticipate* the possibility of an escape. When the journalists* asked to meet with Warden Thomas, …
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لغت ۱۱ درس ۲۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ Relieve / rɪˈliːv / Make less; make easier; reduce the pain of; replace; release; free, ease, alleviate; offer assistance, liberate (Verb) The pills relieved the pain from the wound I received in the conflict.* A majority* of the population* wanted to relieve the mayor of his duty. The peace agreement relieved us of the …
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لغت ۹ درس ۲۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ Merit / ˈmɛrɪt / Goodness; worth; value, be worthy of, be eligible for; deserve, be worthy of (Noun & Verb) There is little merit in lying to those you love. My brother was promoted because of merit, not because of friendship. I can’t see any merit in your proposal. خوبی، ارزش، شایستگى ، سزاوارى …
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لغت ۷ درس ۲۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ Dilemma / dɪˈlɛmə, – dʌɪ- / Situation requiring a choice between two evils; a difficult choice; difficult situation, difficult decision (Noun) It is sensible not to panic* in the face of a dilemma. Lottie faced the dilemma of whether to approve of the operation or not. In “The Lady or the Tiger,” the hero …
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