لغت ۱ درس ۲۸ کتاب ۵۰۴ Outlaw / ˈaʊtlɔː / Noun & Verb An exile; an outcast; a criminal; to declare unlawful, deprive of protection of the law; declare a criminal; pronounce illegal, fugitive, outcast Congress has outlawed the sale of certain drugs. The best-known outlaw of the American West was Jesse James. An animal that is cast out by …
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بهبود دامنه لغات – Improving Vocabulary
How to Improve Your Vocabulary Daily boost-vocab Do you find it difficult to remember new words in English? English has the largest vocabulary of any language in the world. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced speaker of English, you are always growing your vocabulary. Always encountering tons of new words. And new ways to say words that you …
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لغت ۱۱ درس ۲۷ کتاب ۵۰۴ Miserly / ˈmʌɪzəli / Adjective Stingy; like a miser, cheap or stingy Being miserly with our natural resources will help us to live longer on this earth. A miserly person rarely* has any friends. Silas Marner abandoned* his miserly habits when Eppie came into his life. (صفت) خسیس، خسیس وار، چشم تنگ الف) …
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لغت ۹ درس ۲۷ کتاب ۵۰۴ Cease / siːs / Verb Stop, halt Cease trying to do more than you can. The whispering in the audience ceased when the curtain went up. When you cease making war, you can then begin to pacify* the small villages the enemy controls. (فعل) موقوف کردن ، قطع کردن عملیات ، بند امدن …
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لغت ۷ درس ۲۷ کتاب ۵۰۴ Feeble / ˈfiːb(ə)l / adjective Weak, frail; intellectually weak, morally weak; faint, lacking intensity We heard a feeble cry from the exhausted* child. The guide* made a feeble attempt to explain why he had taken the wrong turn. The feeble old man collapsed* on the sidewalk. (صفت) ضعیف ، کم زور ، ناتوان …
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لغت ۵ درس ۲۷ کتاب ۵۰۴ Exhaust / ɪɡˈzɔːst,ɛɡˈzɔːst / Noun – Verb Empty completely; use up; tire out, make tired, weaken; drain; empty; use up; emit, eject, overtire, fatigue, weary To exhaust the city’s water supply would be a calamity.* The long climb to the top of the mountain exhausted our strength. If we continue to squander* our money …
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لغت ۳ درس ۲۷ کتاب ۵۰۴ Rash / raʃ / Adjectiive A breaking out with many small red spots on the skin; outbreak of many instances within a short time: too hasty or careless, reckless, hasty, impetuous The report of a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood was exaggerated.* Poison ivy causes a rash. It is rash to threaten an …
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لغت ۱ درس ۲۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Despite / dɪˈspʌɪt / Preposition – Verb In spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of, in the face of, for all, even with The player continued in the game despite his injuries. Despite being shy, Ted signed up to audition on American Idol. We won the game by a shutout despite the fact that our team …
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لغت ۱۱ درس ۲۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Respond / rɪˈspɒnd / Verb & Noun Answer; react, reply Greg responded quickly to the question. My dog responds to every command I give him. Mrs. Cole responded to the medicine so well that she was better in two days. (اسم & فعل) پاسخ دادن، واکنش نشان دادن ، جواب دادن ، پاسخ …
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لغت ٩ درس ۲۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Utter / ˈʌtə / Verb: Speak; make known; express, say, voice; express, pronounce, articulate Adjective: Complete, total, absolute When Violet accidentally stepped on the nail, she uttered a sharp cry of pain. Seth was surprised when he was told that he had uttered Joan’s name in his sleep. When Mr. Fuller saw that his …
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