

لغت نهم از درس ۵ کتاب ۵۰۴

Debate / dɪ’beɪt- /

A discussion in which reasons for and against something are brought out.

بحثی که در آن دلایل موافق و مخالف چیزی مطرح می شود.


The debate between the two candidates was heated.

بحث میان دو نامزد داغ بود.


Debate in the U.S. Senate lasted for five days.

بحث در مجلس سنای آمریکا پنج روز طول کشید.


Instead of shrieking at each other, the students decided to have a debate on the topic.

دانش آموزان تصمیم گرفتند به جای فریاد کشیدن، در مورد موضوع با هم بحث کنند.


کدها و رمزهای یادگیری این لغت:

کدینگ۱: با معلمم سر دوبیت شعر بحثمون شد، بعدش فهمیدم حق با اونه.


About Ahmad Osmani

Ahmad Osmani
I’m Ahmad Osmani, an English teacher and translator with over 17 years of experience. Since the website was launched, I’ve taken on the roles of both administrator and writer. My background includes studying Translation Studies and English Language. I have a passion for learning and teaching various languages. Writing, Teaching and Translating are my primary professions.

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