Common Mistakes with “Insist” Common Mistakes with “Insist” What do you think about this two phrases with “insist”? Which one is correct? Insist to Insist on This article is going to discuss about this difference and it tries to answer this question which is related to a common mistake in English language in using ‘insist’ with proper preposition. Let’s figure …
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The difference between CV & Resume
CV Resume: What is the difference between them? The main different between CV and Resume will be discussed here and you are going to know which one should be used in which situation in English language and you will learn not to be confused on knowing which one is correct for you, CV or Resume. In the first glance we can …
Read More »Adjectives order in English
Adjectives order in English Sometime we need to describe something or someone, by more than just one adjective because it isn’t enough to use just one adjective to describe what we want to express. So in such situations we need to know which adjective should be used before the other(s). Based on these order we can put the adjectives in …
Read More »Common Mistakes with indifferent
Which one is correct? indifferent for or indifferent to? So here in this post some points related to this answer will be discussed and you will learnt these points which help you to avoid one of English Common Mistakes. Let’s take a look at the meaning of ‘indifferent’ before every thing: indifferent: /inˈdif(ə)rənt/ adjective – apathetic, detached; unbiased, impartial ; unconcerned, disinterested; average; mediocre; unessential, …
Read More »The difference between Skill and Talent
Here in this post the difference between skill and talent is going to be discussed so we take a close look at the meaning of both of these words in meaning and these differences will be more understood by some examples. So let’s start this discussion by taking a look at the meaning of these words in the Oxford Dictionary …
Read More »Common Mistakes with independent
Which one is correct? Independent of or independent from? So I am going to tell you the answer of this question which is one of English Common Mistakes with independent I want tell you some points about the adjective “independent” which is related to its prepositions. To know the common mistakes with independent Let’s check the its meaning before going …
Read More »The difference between buy, shop, purchase, and sale
I am going to tell you some points about the difference between buy, shop, purchase, sale in this post. So let’s start our discussion by taking a look at the meaning of these words in Oxford dictionary and get the points of these differences. Buy: Verb • Purchase, acquire, obtain, get, pick up, snap up; take, procure, pay for; invest in; informal get hold …
Read More »The difference between Excuse me, Sorry, Pardon me
I am going to tell you some points about the difference between these English phrase: Excuse me, Sorry, Pardon me There are some words and phrases for saying and expressing your regrets for doing something wrong and you want to apology in English, the most common ones are: Sorry I’m sorry Apologies I apologize My apologies Pardon me Excuse me Excuse my… …
Read More »Common Mistakes with guilty
Common Mistakes with guilty I am going to tell you some points about the adjective “guilty” which is related to its prepositions. Let’s check the meaning of guilty before going to its prepositions. Here is the definition of Guilty in some dictionaries: Oxford: adjective 1- culpable, to blame, at fault, in the wrong, blameworthy, responsible; erring, errant, delinquent, offending, sinful, …
Read More »The difference between Gift and Present
I am going to tell you some points about the difference between Gift and Present in English There are two words in English which apparently have the very close meaning together; They are “Gift” and “Present” which both mean “donation” or “offering” from someone to another one. They don’t differ much at first glance, while they both have very close meaning …
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