عبارات اصطلاحی مربوط به Take (گرفتن) در زبان انگلیسی

گرفتن - Take
گرفتن – Take

در این پست عبارات و اصطلاحاتی خدمت شما معرفی می شود که در آنها از واژه “Take” به معنی “گرفتن” یا “برداشتن” استفاده شده است که از لحاظ گرامری دارای ۲ نقش فعل و اسم می باشد. معنی این واژه به تنهایی و بدون ترکیب شدن با واژه های دیگر در خیلی از فرهنگ لغت ها به صورت زیر آمده است:


تعبیر یا تفسیر کردن، حمل کردن بر ، اتخاذ کردن ، پیروزى ، خاک کردن ، گرفتن ، ستاندن ، لمس کردن ، بردن ، برداشتن ، خوردن ، پنداشتن

Take : 

▶ Verb
She took his hand: LAY HOLD OF, get hold of; grasp, grip, clasp, clutch, grab.
he took an envelope from his pocket: REMOVE, pull, draw, withdraw, extract, fish.
a passage taken from my book: EXTRACT, quote, cite, excerpt, derive, abstract, copy, cull.
she took a little wine: DRINK, imbibe; consume, swallow, eat, ingest.
many prisoners were taken: CAPTURE, seize, catch, arrest, apprehend, take into custody; carry off, abduct.
someone’s taken my car: STEAL, remove, appropriate, make off with, pilfer, purloin; informal filch, swipe, snaffle; Brit. informal pinch, nick.
take four from the total: SUBTRACT, deduct, remove; discount; informal knock off, minus.
all the seats had been taken: OCCUPY, use, utilize, fill, hold; reserve, engage; informal bag.
I have taken a room nearby: RENT, lease, hire, charter; reserve, book, engage.
I took the job: ACCEPT, undertake.
I’d take this over the other option: PICK, choose, select; prefer, favour, opt for, plump for, vote for.
take, for instance, the English: CONSIDER, contemplate, ponder, think about, weigh up, mull over, examine, study, meditate over, ruminate about.
he takes ‘The Observer’: SUBSCRIBE TO, buy, read.
she took his temperature: ASCERTAIN, determine, establish, measure, find out, discover; calculate, compute, evaluate, rate, assess, appraise, gauge.
he took notes: WRITE, note (down), jot (down), scribble, scrawl, record, register, document, minute.
I took it back to London: BRING, carry, bear, transport, convey, move, transfer, shift, ferry; informal cart, tote.
he priest took her home: ESCORT, accompany, help, assist, show, lead, guide, see, usher, convey.
he took the train: TRAVEL ON/BY, journey on, go via; use.
the town takes its name from the lake: DERIVE, get, obtain, come by, acquire, pick up.
she took the prize for best speaker: RECEIVE, obtain, gain, get, acquire, collect, accept, be awarded; secure, come by, win, earn, pick up, carry off; informal land, bag, net, scoop.
I took the chance to postpone it: ACT ON, take advantage of, capitalize on, use, exploit, make the most of, leap at, jump at, pounce on, seize, grasp, grab, accept.
he took great pleasure in painting: DERIVE, draw, acquire, obtain, get, gain, extract, procure; experience, undergo, feel.
Liz took the news badly: RECEIVE, respond to, react to, meet, greet; deal with, cope with.
do you take me for a fool?: REGARD AS, consider to be, view as, see as, believe to be, reckon to be, imagine to be, deem to be.
I take it that you are hungry: ASSUME, presume, suppose, imagine, expect, reckon, gather, dare say, trust, surmise, deduce, guess, conjecture, fancy, suspect.
I take your point: UNDERSTAND, grasp, get, comprehend, apprehend, see, follow; accept, appreciate, acknowledge, sympathize with, agree with.
Shirley was rather taken with him: CAPTIVATE, enchant, charm, delight, attract, beguile, enthral, entrance, infatuate, dazzle; amuse, divert, entertain; informal tickle someone’s fancy.
I can’t take much more: ENDURE, bear, tolerate, stand, put up with, abide, stomach, accept, allow, countenance, support, shoulder; formal brook; archaic suffer.
applicants must take a test: CARRY OUT, do, complete, conduct, perform, execute, discharge, accomplish, fulfil.
I took English and French: STUDY, learn, have lessons in; take up, pursue; Brit. read; informal do.
the journey took six hours: LAST, continue for, go on for, carry on for; require, call for, need, necessitate, entail, involve.
it would take an expert to know that: REQUIRE, need, necessitate, demand, call for, entail, involve.
I take size three shoes: WEAR, use; require, need.
the dye did not take: BE EFFECTIVE, take effect, hold, root, be productive, be effectual, be useful; work, operate, succeed, function; formal be efficacious.
give, free, add, refuse, miss.
▶ Noun
he whalers’ commercial take: CATCH, haul, bag, yield, net.
the state’s tax take: REVENUE, income, gain, profit; takings, proceeds, returns, receipts, winnings, pickings, earnings, spoils; purse.
a clapperboard for the start of each take: SCENE, sequence, (film) clip.
a wry take on gender issues: VIEW OF, reading of, version of, interpretation of, understanding of, account of, analysis of, approach to.

Source: Oxford

گرفتن - Take
گرفتن – Take

واژه “Take” با ترکیب با عبارات، حروف اضافه، و واژه های دیگر اصطلاحاتی را تشکیل می دهد که معانی کاملا متفاوتی با هم دارند. در اینجا لیستی از این اصطلاحات (Expressions)، و هم آیی ها (Collocations)ی مربوط به واژه “Take” را که یکی از کاربردی ترین لغات زبان انگلیسی می باشد تقدیم شما می کنم که امیدوارم مفید واقع شود:


برای دیدن سایر اصطلاحات و لیست پست های مرتبط، اینجا را کلیک کنید


About Ahmad Osmani

Ahmad Osmani
I’m Ahmad Osmani, an English teacher and translator with over 17 years of experience. Since the website was launched, I’ve taken on the roles of both administrator and writer. My background includes studying Translation Studies and English Language. I have a passion for learning and teaching various languages. Writing, Teaching and Translating are my primary professions.

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