در این پست عبارات و اصطلاحاتی خدمت شما معرفی می شود که در آنها از واژه “Take” به معنی “گرفتن” یا “برداشتن” استفاده شده است که از لحاظ گرامری دارای ۲ نقش فعل و اسم می باشد. معنی این واژه به تنهایی و بدون ترکیب شدن با واژه های دیگر در خیلی از فرهنگ لغت ها به صورت زیر آمده است:
Take :
She took his hand: LAY HOLD OF, get hold of; grasp, grip, clasp, clutch, grab.
he took an envelope from his pocket: REMOVE, pull, draw, withdraw, extract, fish.
a passage taken from my book: EXTRACT, quote, cite, excerpt, derive, abstract, copy, cull.
she took a little wine: DRINK, imbibe; consume, swallow, eat, ingest.
many prisoners were taken: CAPTURE, seize, catch, arrest, apprehend, take into custody; carry off, abduct.
someone’s taken my car: STEAL, remove, appropriate, make off with, pilfer, purloin; informal filch, swipe, snaffle; Brit. informal pinch, nick.
take four from the total: SUBTRACT, deduct, remove; discount; informal knock off, minus.
all the seats had been taken: OCCUPY, use, utilize, fill, hold; reserve, engage; informal bag.
I have taken a room nearby: RENT, lease, hire, charter; reserve, book, engage.
I took the job: ACCEPT, undertake.
I’d take this over the other option: PICK, choose, select; prefer, favour, opt for, plump for, vote for.
take, for instance, the English: CONSIDER, contemplate, ponder, think about, weigh up, mull over, examine, study, meditate over, ruminate about.
he takes ‘The Observer’: SUBSCRIBE TO, buy, read.
she took his temperature: ASCERTAIN, determine, establish, measure, find out, discover; calculate, compute, evaluate, rate, assess, appraise, gauge.
he took notes: WRITE, note (down), jot (down), scribble, scrawl, record, register, document, minute.
I took it back to London: BRING, carry, bear, transport, convey, move, transfer, shift, ferry; informal cart, tote.
he priest took her home: ESCORT, accompany, help, assist, show, lead, guide, see, usher, convey.
he took the train: TRAVEL ON/BY, journey on, go via; use.
the town takes its name from the lake: DERIVE, get, obtain, come by, acquire, pick up.
she took the prize for best speaker: RECEIVE, obtain, gain, get, acquire, collect, accept, be awarded; secure, come by, win, earn, pick up, carry off; informal land, bag, net, scoop.
I took the chance to postpone it: ACT ON, take advantage of, capitalize on, use, exploit, make the most of, leap at, jump at, pounce on, seize, grasp, grab, accept.
he took great pleasure in painting: DERIVE, draw, acquire, obtain, get, gain, extract, procure; experience, undergo, feel.
Liz took the news badly: RECEIVE, respond to, react to, meet, greet; deal with, cope with.
do you take me for a fool?: REGARD AS, consider to be, view as, see as, believe to be, reckon to be, imagine to be, deem to be.
I take it that you are hungry: ASSUME, presume, suppose, imagine, expect, reckon, gather, dare say, trust, surmise, deduce, guess, conjecture, fancy, suspect.
I take your point: UNDERSTAND, grasp, get, comprehend, apprehend, see, follow; accept, appreciate, acknowledge, sympathize with, agree with.
Shirley was rather taken with him: CAPTIVATE, enchant, charm, delight, attract, beguile, enthral, entrance, infatuate, dazzle; amuse, divert, entertain; informal tickle someone’s fancy.
I can’t take much more: ENDURE, bear, tolerate, stand, put up with, abide, stomach, accept, allow, countenance, support, shoulder; formal brook; archaic suffer.
applicants must take a test: CARRY OUT, do, complete, conduct, perform, execute, discharge, accomplish, fulfil.
I took English and French: STUDY, learn, have lessons in; take up, pursue; Brit. read; informal do.
the journey took six hours: LAST, continue for, go on for, carry on for; require, call for, need, necessitate, entail, involve.
it would take an expert to know that: REQUIRE, need, necessitate, demand, call for, entail, involve.
I take size three shoes: WEAR, use; require, need.
the dye did not take: BE EFFECTIVE, take effect, hold, root, be productive, be effectual, be useful; work, operate, succeed, function; formal be efficacious.
he whalers’ commercial take: CATCH, haul, bag, yield, net.
the state’s tax take: REVENUE, income, gain, profit; takings, proceeds, returns, receipts, winnings, pickings, earnings, spoils; purse.
a clapperboard for the start of each take: SCENE, sequence, (film) clip.
a wry take on gender issues: VIEW OF, reading of, version of, interpretation of, understanding of, account of, analysis of, approach to.
Source: Oxford

واژه “Take” با ترکیب با عبارات، حروف اضافه، و واژه های دیگر اصطلاحاتی را تشکیل می دهد که معانی کاملا متفاوتی با هم دارند. در اینجا لیستی از این اصطلاحات (Expressions)، و هم آیی ها (Collocations)ی مربوط به واژه “Take” را که یکی از کاربردی ترین لغات زبان انگلیسی می باشد تقدیم شما می کنم که امیدوارم مفید واقع شود:
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