لغت پنجم از درس ۱۳ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………….. Observant / əb’sɜrvnt /əb’sɜː / Quick to notice; watchful We were observant of the conflict* between the husband and his wife. Because Cato was observant, he was able to reveal* the thiefs name. Milt used his excellent vision* to be observant of everything in his vicinity.* تیزبین، مراقب ناظر درگیری بین …
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Commence -504-13-4
لغت چهارم از درس ۱۳ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………. Commence / kə’mens / Begin; start Graduation will commence at ten o’clock. Bella hesitated* before commencing her speech. The discussion commenced with a report on urban* affairs. آغاز کردن، آغاز شدن جشن فارغ التحصیلی ساعت ده آغاز خواهد شد. “بلا” پیش از شروع سخنرانی اش دچار تردید شد. بحث با گزارشی …
Read More »Revive -504-13-3
لغت سوم از درس ۱۳ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………. Revive / rɪ’vaɪv / Bring back or come back to life or consciousness There is a movement to revive old plays for modern audiences. The nurses tried to revive the heart attack victim. Committees are trying to revive interest in population* control. زنده کردن یا به هوش آوردن جنبشی برای …
Read More »Famine -504-13-2
لغت دوم از درس ۱۳ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………. Famine / ‘fæmɪn / Starvation; great shortage Famine in Africa caused the death of one tenth of the population.* There has been a famine of good writing in the last decade.* The rumor of a famine in Europe was purely fiction.* گرسنگی، کمبود زیاد قحطی در هند باعث مرگ یک دهم …
Read More »Journalist -504-13-1
لغت اول از درس ۱۳ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………. Journalist / ‘dʒɜrnəlɪst /’dʒɜːn- / One who writes for, edits, manages, or produces a newspaper or magazme There were four journalists covering the murder story. Barbara’s experience working at a book store wasn’t adequate* preparation for becoming a journalist. Journalists must have a comprehensive* knowledge* of the city where they work. …
Read More »Audible -504-12-12
لغت دوازدهم از درس ۱۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………….. Audible / ‘ɔːdəbl / Able to be heard From across the room, the teacher’s voice was barely audible. After Len got his new hearing aid, my telephone calls became audible. Commands from Ann’s drill sergeant were always easily audible. قابل شنیدن از آن سوی اتاق، صدای معلم به سختی …
Read More »Decrease -504-12-11
لغت یازدهم از درس ۱۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………………… Decrease / diː’kriːs / Make or become less As he kept spending money, the amount he had saved decreased. In order to improve business, the store owner decreased his prices. The landlord promised to decrease our rent. کاهش دادن یا کاهش یافتن چون به ولخرجی ادامه داد، مقداری که پس انداز …
Read More »Adequate -504-12-10
لغت دهم از درس ۱۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………….. Adequate / ‘ædɪkwət / As much as is needed; fully sufficient Rover was given an adequate amount of food to last him the whole day. A bedroom, kitchen, and bath were adequate shelter for his living needs. Carlos was adequate at his job but he wasn’t great. آن مقدار که مورد …
Read More »Urgent -504-12-9
لغت نهم از درس ۱۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………….. Urgent / ‘ɜrdʒənt /’ɜːd- / Demanding immediate action or attention; important An urgent telephone call was made to the company’s treasurer. The principal called an urgent meeting to solve the school’s numerous* problems. When he heard the urgent cry for help, the lifeguard did not hesitate.* اقدام با توجه فوری را …
Read More »Prohibit -504-12-8
لغت هشتم از درس ۱۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………………… Prohibit / prəʊ’hɪbɪt /prə- / Forbid by law or authority Elvin’s manager prohibited him from appearing on television. Many homeowners prohibit others from walking on their property. The law prohibits the use of guns to settle a conflict.* قانونا منع کردن مدیر “آلوین” مانع از ظاهر شدن او در تلویزیون شد. …
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