لغت ۷ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ……………………………. Wretched / ‘retʃɪd / very unsatisfactory; miserable I feel wretched after a night when I’ve scarcely* slept. There was unanimous* agreement that we had seen a wretched movie. Toby had wretched luck at the gambling tables. بسیار نامطلوب، اسفبار بعد از اینکه یک شب به سختی توانستم بخوابم، احساس بسیار …
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Avoid -504-17-6
لغت ۶ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ……………………………….. Avoid / ə’vɔɪd / Keep away from; keep out of the way of If you are fortunate* you can avoid people who are trying to deceive* you. There was no way to avoid noticing her beautiful green eyes. Avoid getting into a brawl* if you can. دوری کردن از، اجتناب کردن از …
Read More »Misfortune -504-17-5
لغت ۵ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ …………………………………… Misfortune / mɪs’fɔrtʃən /-‘fɔː- / Bad luck It was my misfortune that our car wasn’t thoroughly* checked before the trip through the desert. Being bitten by the vicious* dog was quite a misfortune for Tommy. I had the misfortune of working for a greedy* man. بد شانسی از بد شانسی …
Read More »Aware -504-17-4
لغت ۴ از درس ١٧ کتاب ۵٠۴ ……………………………… Aware / ə’weə / Knowing; realizing Donna was aware of her tendency* to exaggerate.* It was some time before the police became aware of the brawl* that was taking place on the street. One way to gain knowledge* is to be aware of everything around you. آگاه ، مطلع …
Read More »Wary -504-17-3
لغت ٣ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ………………………………. Wary / ‘werɪ /’weərɪ / On one’s guard against danger or trickery; cautious* Marilyn’s mother told her to be wary of strangers. After Orlando had been the victim of a cheat, he was wary of those who said they wanted to help him. Living in a polluted* city makes you wary of …
Read More »Addict -504-17-2
لغت ٢ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ …………………………………. Addict / ‘ædɪkt / One who cannot break away from a habit or practice Because he was a heroin addict, it was essential* for Carlos to get the drug each day. Marcia became flabby* because she was addicted to ice cream sodas. Those who take aspirins and other pain-killers regularly should realize …
Read More »Appeal -504-17-1
لغت ۱ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………………… Appeal / ə’piːl / Attraction; interest; to urge Anything jorge could get at wholesale* price had a great appeal for him. My boss always appeals to his employees* to work swiftly and neatly. I found her clothing designs to be enormously* appealing. جذابیت، علاقه، خواهش کردن هر چیزی که “جورج” …
Read More »Confident -504-16-12
لغت ۱۲ از درس ۱۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………….. Confident / ‘kɒnfɪdənt / Firmly believing; certain; sure Judge Emery was confident he could solve the conflict.* When he lifted the burden,* Scotty was confident he could carry it. Annette was confident she would do well as a nurse. معتقد سفت و سخت، مطمئن قاضی “امری” مطمئن بود که می تواند …
Read More »Cautious -504-16-11
لغت ۱۱ از درس ۱۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………… Cautious / ‘kɔːʃəs / Very careful; never taking chances Be cautious when you choose your opponent.* Good authors are cautious not to exaggerate* when they write. If the rain is failing in torrents,* it is best to drive cautiously. بسیار دقیق، هرگز براساس احتمال عمل نمی کند وقتی که حریفت …
Read More »Grateful -504-16-10
لغت ۱۰ از درس ۱۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………. Grateful / ‘greɪtfʊl / Feeling gratitude; thankful The majority* of pupils felt grateful for Mr. Ash’s help. We were grateful that the gloomy* weather cleared up on Saturday. In his letter, Waldo told how grateful he was for the loan. احساس قدردانی کردن، ممنون اکثر دانش آموزان از کمک آقای …
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