لغت یازدهم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………. Miniature / ‘mɪnətʃʊr /-tʃə/ Represented on a small scale The young boy wanted a miniature sports car for his birthday. Instead of buying a massive* dog, Teddy got a miniature poodle. We were seeking a miniature model of the bulky* chess set. در مقیاسی کوچک نشان داده می شود، کوچک پسر …
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Challenge -504-9-10
لغت دهم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………. Challenge / ‘tʃælɪndʒ / Call to a fight Aaron Burr challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel. No one bothered to challenge the prominent* lawyer. Trying to become a doctor was quite a challenge, Dick discovered. به مبارزه طلبیدن “آرون بور” ، “الکساندرهمیلتون” را برای نبردی تن به تن به …
Read More »Ignore -504-9-9
لغت نهم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………… Ignore / ɪg’nɔr /ɪg’nɔː / Pay no attention to; disregard Little Alice realized that if she didn’t behave, her parents would ignore her. The student could not answer the question because he ignored the obvious* facts. Older brothers and sisters often feel ignored when their parents only spend time with a new …
Read More »Lack -504-9-8
لغت هشتم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………………. Lack / læk / Be entirely without something; have not enough Your daily diet should not lack fruits and vegetables. His problem was that he lacked a variety* of talents.* As an amateur* dancer, Vincent knew that he lacked the professional touch. کاملا فاقد چیزی بودن، به اندازه کافی نداشتن رژیم …
Read More »Resist -504-9-7
لغت هفتم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………… Resist / rɪ’zɪst / Act against; strive against; oppose Totie could not resist eating the chocolate sundae. Tight security* measures resisted Jimmy’s entrance into the bank. Harold resisted the opportunity to poke fun at the weird* man. مقاومت کردن عمل کردن بر خلاف، مخالفت کردن با “توتی” نمی توانست جلوی …
Read More »Undeniable -504-9-6
لغت ششم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………………. Undeniable /ˌʌndɪˈnaɪəb (ə) l / Not to be denied; cannot be questioned The jury concluded* that the teenagers were undeniably guilty. It is undeniable that most professionals can beat any amateur.* That Leon resented* Rita’s good marks in school was undeniable. غیر قابل انکار نمی توان انکار کرد، نمی توان …
Read More »Conclude -504-9-5
لغت پنجم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………………… / kən’kluːd / End; finish; decide Most people are happy when they conclude their work for the day. The gloomy* day concluded with a thunderstorm. Work on the building could not be concluded until the contract was signed. تمام کردن، به پایان رساندن، تصمیم گرفتن بیشتر افراد وقتی کار روزانه …
Read More »Document -504-9-4
لغت چهارم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………. Document / ‘dɒkjʊmənt / Something handwritten or printed that gives information or proof of some fact Newly discovered documents showed that the prisoner was obviously* innocent. The documents of ancient Rome have survived* many centuries.* We were reluctant* to destroy important documents. مدرک چیز دستنویس یا تایپ شده که درباره …
Read More »Rage در کتاب 504 واژه ضروری زبان انگلیسی
در اینجا به توضیحات مربوط به لغت Rage (خشم) می پردازیم. وازه Rage که به معنی خشم شدید می باشد سومین لغت درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ واژه ضروری زبان انگلیسی می باشد. به توضیحات، معانی، مثال ها، و کدینگ این واژه در کتاب 504 توجه فرمائید. Rage / reɪdʒ /: Violent anger; something that arouses intense but brief enthusiasm Joan’s …
Read More »Century -504-9-2
لغت دوم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………………. Century / ‘sentʃʊrɪ / ۱۰۰ years George Washington lived in the eighteenth century. The United States is more than two centuries old. Many prominent* men have been born in this century. یک صد سال، قرن “جرج واشنگتن” در قرن هیجدهم زندگی می کرد. ایالات متحده، بیش از دو قرن قدمت …
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