لغت پنجم از درس ۱۰ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………… Dread / dred / Look forward to with fear; fear greatly; causing great fear The poor student dreaded going to school each morning. He had a dread feeling about the challenge* he was about to face. I dread going into that deserted house. با ترس چشم انتظار چیزی بودن، خیلی ترسیدن، …
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Compete -504-10-4
لغت چهارم از درس ۱۰ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………. Compete / kəm’piːt / Try hard to get something wanted by others; be a rival The former champion was challenged* to compete for the tennis title. The runner was reluctant* to compete in front of his parents for the first time. When the amateur* became a pro he had to compete against …
Read More »Mount -504-10-3
لغت سوم از درس ۱۰ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………. Mount / maʊnt / Get up on Congressman Jones mounted the platform to make his speech. The watchman mounted the tower to see if there were any people in the vicinity.* My sister couldn’t mount the horse so they gave her a pony instead. سوار شدن، بالا رفتن از “گینگریچ” نماینده …
Read More »Feminine -504-10-2
لغت دوم از درس ۱۰ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………….. Feminine / ‘femɪnɪn / Of women or girls When my sister wants to look feminine she changes from dungarees into a dress. Aunt Sarah can always be counted on to give the feminine viewpoint. My brother is ashamed to cry at a sad movie because people might think he is behaving in …
Read More »Excel -504-10-1
لغت اول از درس ۱۰ کتاب ۵۰۴ Excel / ɪk’sel / Be better than; do better than Because he was so small, Larry could not excel in sports. At least Hannah had the security* of knowing that she excelled in swimming. Clarence Darrow wanted to become a prominent* lawyer, but he felt that he must first excel in the …
Read More »Source -504-9-12
لغت دوازدهم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………. Source / sɔrs /sɔːs / Place from which something comes or is obtained The college student knew that he needed more than a basic textbook as a source for his report. The source of Buddy’s trouble was boredom. Professor Smith’s speech was a valid* source of information on chemistry مکانی که …
Read More »Miniature -504-9-11
لغت یازدهم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………. Miniature / ‘mɪnətʃʊr /-tʃə/ Represented on a small scale The young boy wanted a miniature sports car for his birthday. Instead of buying a massive* dog, Teddy got a miniature poodle. We were seeking a miniature model of the bulky* chess set. در مقیاسی کوچک نشان داده می شود، کوچک پسر …
Read More »Challenge -504-9-10
لغت دهم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………. Challenge / ‘tʃælɪndʒ / Call to a fight Aaron Burr challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel. No one bothered to challenge the prominent* lawyer. Trying to become a doctor was quite a challenge, Dick discovered. به مبارزه طلبیدن “آرون بور” ، “الکساندرهمیلتون” را برای نبردی تن به تن به …
Read More »Ignore -504-9-9
لغت نهم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………… Ignore / ɪg’nɔr /ɪg’nɔː / Pay no attention to; disregard Little Alice realized that if she didn’t behave, her parents would ignore her. The student could not answer the question because he ignored the obvious* facts. Older brothers and sisters often feel ignored when their parents only spend time with a new …
Read More »Lack -504-9-8
لغت هشتم از درس ۹ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………………. Lack / læk / Be entirely without something; have not enough Your daily diet should not lack fruits and vegetables. His problem was that he lacked a variety* of talents.* As an amateur* dancer, Vincent knew that he lacked the professional touch. کاملا فاقد چیزی بودن، به اندازه کافی نداشتن رژیم …
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