لغت دوم از درس ۱۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………….. Abolish / ə’bɒlɪʃ / Do away with completely; put an end to The death penalty has recently* been abolished in our state. We abolished numerous* laws that didn’t serve any purpose in this decade.* My school has abolished final exams altogether. کاملا رها شدن از، خاتمه دادن به، کنسل کردن، …
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Ignite -504-12-1
لغت اول از درس ۱۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………….. Ignite / ɪg’naɪt / Set on fire Spark plugs ignite in an automobile engine. One match can ignite an entire forest. A, careless remark helped to ignite the conflict* between the brothers and the sisters. مشتعل کردن شمع های داخل موتور اتومبیل محترق می شوند. یک کبریت می تواند …
Read More »Fiction -504-11-12
لغت دوازدهم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………………………………. Fiction / ‘fɪkʃn / That which is imagined or made up The story that the president had died was fiction. We hardly ever believed Vinny because what he said was usually fiction. Marge enjoys reading works of fiction rather than true stories. آنچه که تصور یا ساخته می شود، داستان، …
Read More »Minority -504-11-11
لغت یازدهم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ Minority / maɪ’nɔrətɪ /-‘nɒ / Smaller number or part; less than half Only a small minority of the neighborhood didn’t want a new park. A minority of our athletes who competed* in the Olympics were victorious.* Native Americans are a minority group in the United States تعداد یا بخش کوچکتر، کمتر از …
Read More »Conflict -504-11-10
لغت دهم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………… Conflict / ‘kɒnflɪkt / Direct opposition; disagreement Our opinions about the company’s success in the last decade* are in conflict with what the records show. There was a noisy conflict over who was the better tennis player. The class mediation team was invited to settle the conflict. مخالف مستقیم، عدم توافق، …
Read More »Absurd -504-11-9
لغت نهم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………. Absurd / əb’sɜːd / Plainly not true or sensible; foolish It was absurd to believe the fisherman’s tall tale. The flabby boy realized that the suggestion to diet was not absurd. Underestimating* the importance of reading is absurd. به وضوح درست یا عاقلانه نیست، احمقانه، مسخره باور کردن داستان طولانی مرد …
Read More »Hesitate -504-11-8
لغت هشتم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………….. Hesitate / ‘hezɪteɪt / Fail to act quickly; be undecided Nora hesitated to accept the challenge.* When he got to the robbers’ vicinity,* he hesitated before going on. The proverb tells us that he who hesitates is lost. سریع عمل نکردن، مردد بودن، تعلل کردن “نورا” در پذیرش مبارزه مردد …
Read More »Decade -504-11-7
لغت هفتم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………….. Decade / ‘dekeɪd / Ten years After a decade of granting salary increases, my boss ended the practice. Many people moved out of this city in the last decade. I have a vision* that this decade will be better than the last one. ده سال، دهه بعد از یک دهه …
Read More »Recent -504-11-6
لغت ششم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………………… Recent / ‘rɪːsnt / Done, made, or occurring not long ago At a recent meeting, the Board of Education provided the evidence* we had been asking for. Bessie liked the old silent movies better than the more recent ones. Recent studies have concluded* that more people are unemployed than ever before. …
Read More »Glimpse -504-11-5
لغت پنجم از درس ۱۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………….. Glimpse / glɪmps / A short, quick view This morning we caught our first glimpse of the beautiful shoreline. One glimpse of the very feminine* vision* was enough to tell Romeo that he loved Juliet. The tall shrubs kept us from getting a glimpse of the new people who inhabited* the beach …
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