لغت ۱۱ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Amend / əˈmɛnd / Verb Change for the better; correct; change, alter; improve; improve oneself, revise, modify, qualify, adapt, adjust; edit, copy-edit, rewrite, redraft, rephrase, reword, rework, revamp It is time you amended your ways. Each time they amended the plan, they made it worse. Rather than amend the club’s constitution again, let …
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لغت ۹ و ۱۰ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ – Drastic و Wharf
لغت ۹ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Drastic / ˈdrastɪk / Adjective Acting with force or violence*, extreme, intense, severe, serious, desperate, radical, far-reaching, momentous, substantial; heavy, harsh, rigorous; oppressive, draconian The police took drastic measures to end the crime wave. The most drastic changes in centuries* have taken place during our lifetime. In the interests of justice,* drastic action …
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لغت ۷ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Ponder / ˈpɒndə / Verb Consider carefully, reflect; think, think about; consider; meditate, contemplate, consider, review, reflect on, mull over, meditate on, muse on, deliberate about, cogitate on, dwell on, brood on, ruminate on, chew over, puzzle over, turn over in one’s mind Not wishing to act hastily,* the governor pondered the problem …
Read More »لغت ۵ و ۶ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ – Legend و Expose
لغت ۵ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Expose Verb: / ɪkˈspəʊz,ɛkˈspəʊz / Noun: / ɪkˈspəʊzeɪ,ɛkˈspəʊzeɪ / Lay open; uncover; leave unprotected; show openly, reveal, disclose; abandon, lay bare, bring into contact with, make aware of, familiarize with, acquaint with, unveil, unmask, detect, find out; discover, bring to light, bring into the open, make known; denounce, condemn Soldiers in an open …
Read More »لغت ۳ و ۴ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ – Endure و Wrath
لغت ۳ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Endure / ɪnˈdjʊə,ɛnˈdjʊə,ɪnˈdʒɔː,ɛnˈdʒɔː / Verb Last; keep on; undergo; bear; stand, stand for, suffer, suffer without complaint, tolerate; continue on in spite of difficulty, put up with, take, go on, survive, abide, continue, persist, remain, stay How can you endure such disrespect? The valiant* officer endured serious burns on September 11th. Dr. Hardy …
Read More »لغت ۱ و ۲ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ – Maintain و Snub
لغت ۱ درس ۴۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Maintain / meɪnˈteɪn,mənˈteɪn / Verb Keep; keep up; carry on; uphold; support; declare to be true, keep in existence, sustain; keep in good condition, preserve, provide for; affirm, declare, assert, insist on Angelo maintained his hold on the jagged* rock though his fingers were becoming numb.* The judge maintained his opinion that the …
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لغت ۱۱ درس ۴۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ Upholstery / ʌpˈhəʊlst(ə)ri,ʌpˈhɒlst(ə)ri / Noun Coverings and cushions for furniture, materials that are used to cushion and cover furniture (i.e. fabric, lining, padding, etc.); process of cushioning and covering furniture, soft, padded covering used to upholster furniture Our old sofa was given new velvet upholstery. The Browns’ upholstery was so new that we …
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۵٫ مرور کلمات خود را در آخر هفته آخر هفته وقت خوبی است تا دانش خود را از بین ببرد. همچنین زمان مناسب برای برنامه ریزی برخی از راه های عملی و سرگرم کننده برای تمرین است. در اینجا چند روش که می توانید برای تمرینات آخر هفته استفاده کنید. از کلمات خود در حوزه زندگی واقعی استفاده کنید …
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لغت ۹ درس ۴۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ Morgue / mɔːɡ / Noun Place where bodies of unknown persons found dead are kept; the reference library of a newspaper office, place where corpses are stored before post-mortem exam or before being claimed for burial, mortuary; funeral parlour There is a slender* chance that we can identify* the body in the morgue. …
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لغت ۷ درس ۴۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ Nominate / ˈnɒmɪnət / Verb & Adjective Name as a candidate for office; appoint to an office, appoint someone (for a position, office, or honor); designate, select, propose, recommend, suggest, name, put forward, present, submit, choose, elect, commission, delegate Three times Bryant was nominated for office but he was never elected. The president …
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