لغت سوم از درس ۷ کتاب ۵۰۴ Massive / ‘mæsɪv / big and heavy; large and solid; bulky The boss asked some employees* to lift the massive box. From lifting weights, Willie had developed massive arm muscles. The main building on the campus* was so massive that the new students had trouble finding their way around at first. …
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Consent -504-7-2
لغت دوم از درس ۷ کتاب ۵۰۴ Consent / kən’sent / agree; give permission or approval My teacher consented to let our class leave early. David would not consent to our plan. The majority* of our club members consented to raise the dues. موافقت کردن، اجازه یا رضایت دادن معلم من موافقت کرد دانش آموزان کلاس را زود …
Read More »Defraud -504-6-12
لغت دوازدهم از درس ۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Defraud / kɑmprɪ’hensɪv /’kɒm-/ take money, rights, etc., away by cheating My aunt saved thousands of dollars by defrauding the government. If we could eliminate* losses from people who defraud the government, tax rates could be lowered. By defrauding his friend, Dexter ruined a family tradition* of honesty. گرفتن پول …
Read More »Comprehensive -504-6-11
لغت یازدهم از درس ۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………. Comprehensive / kɑmprɪ’hensɪv /’kɒm-/ including much; covering completely After a comprehensive exam, my doctor said I was in good condition. The engineer gave our house a thorough*, comprehensive checkup before my father bought it. Mrs. Silver wanted us to do a comprehensive study of Edgar Allan Poe. فراگیر، جامع بعد …
Read More »Client-504-6-10
لغت دهم از درس ۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………….. Client / ‘klaɪənt / person for whom a lawyer acts; customer a. The lawyer told her client that she could predict* the outcome of his trial. b. My uncle tried to get General Motors to be a client of his company. c. If this restaurant doesn’t improve its service, all its clients will …
Read More »Thorough -504-6-9
لغت نهم از درس ۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………….. Thorough / ‘θɜrəʊ /’θʌrə / being all that is needed; complete The police made a thorough search of the house after the crime had been reported. My science teacher praised Sandy for doing a thorough job of cleaning up the lab. Mom decided to spend the day in giving the basement athorough …
Read More »Popular-504-6-8
لغت هشتتم از درس ۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Popular / ‘pɑpjələ(r) / liked by most people The Beatles wrote many popular songs. At one time miniskirts were very popular. Popular people often find it hard to evade* their many friends. محبوب اکثر مردم، پرطرفدار گروه بیتل ها ترانه های مشهور زیادی نوشتند. زمانی دامن های کوتاه بسیار پرطرفدار بودند. اغلب برای …
Read More »Undoubtedly-504-6-7
لغت هفتم از درس ۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Undoubtedly / ʌn’daʊtɪdlɪ / certainly; beyond doubt …………………………………… Ray’s team undoubtedly had the best debators* in our county. The pilgrims undoubtedly assembled* to travel to Rome together. If she didn’t want to get into an argument, Valerie would have followed the majority* undoubtedly. قطعا، بدون شک بدون شک گروه “ری” بهترین مناظره کنندگان …
Read More »Deceive -504-6-6
لغت ششم از درس ۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………… Deceive / dɪ’siːv / make someone believe as true something that is false; mislead ………………………… Atlas was deceived about the burden* he had to carry. Virginia cried when she learned that her best friend had deceived her. The villain* deceived Chief White Cloud by pretending to be his friend. شخصی را …
Read More »Neglect-504-6-5
لغت پنجم از درس ۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Neglect /nɪ’glekt/ give too little care or attention to The senator neglected to make his annual* report to Congress. Bob’s car got dirty when he neglected to keep it polished. It is essential* that you do not neglect your homework. اهمیت خیلی کم دادن یا توجه خیلی کم کردن به چیزی سناتور …
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