Tag Archives: نامزد

لغت ۷ و ۸ درس ۴۱ کتاب ۵۰۴

لغت ۷ درس ۴۱ کتاب ۵۰۴ Nominate / ˈnɒmɪnət / Verb & Adjective Name as a candidate for office; appoint to an office, appoint someone (for a position, office, or honor); designate, select, propose, recommend, suggest, name, put forward, present, submit, choose, elect, commission, delegate   Three times Bryant was nominated for office but he was never elected. The president …

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لغت ۱ و ۲ درس ۳۴ کتاب ۵۰۴

لغت ۱ درس ۳۴ کتاب ۵۰۴ Candidate: / ˈkandɪdeɪt, ˈkandɪdət/ Noun Person who is proposed for some office or honor, applicant, nominee; politician who is running for public office; examinee; patient who appears to be suitable for a specific treatment; person who in all probability will be affected by a specific disease We can have a maximum* of four candidates …

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