Short Story

Harry did not stop* his car at some traffic-lights* when they were red, and he hit another car. Harry jumped* out and went to it. There was an old man in the car. He was very frightened* and said to Harry, ‘What are you doing? You nearly killed* me!’ ‘Yes,’ Harry answered, ‘I’m very sorry.’He took a bottle* out of his car and said, ‘Drink some of this. Then you’ll feel better.’ He gave the man some whisky, and the man drank it, but then he shouted* again,’You nearly* killed me.’ Harry gave him the bottle again, and the old man drank a lot of the whisky. Then he smiled and said to Harry, ‘Thank you. I feel much better* now. But why aren’t you drinking?’ ‘Oh, well,’ Harry answered, ‘I don’t want any whisky now. I’m going to sit here and wait* for the police.’

ترجمه داستان به فارسی:
هری ازچندچراغ راهنمایی* وقتی که قرمز بود عبور کرد و توقف نکرد*،وبه ماشین دیگه ای زد‌.هری به سرعت از ماشینش بیرون پرید*وبه سمت آن ماشین رفت.در آن ماشین پیرمردی بود.خیلی ترسیده* بود وبه هری گفت:چه کارداری میکنی کم مونده بود منو بکشی! هری پاسخ داد:بله ،خیلی متأسفم.یک بطری*از ماشینش برداشت وگفت:مقداری از این بنوشید.سپس شما احساس بهتری خواهید داشت.او به مرد مقداری ویسکی داد ،و آن مرد آن را نوشید،امّا سپس دوباره فریاد زد*:کم مونده بود منو بکشی! هری دوباره بطری را به او داد،وپیرمرد مقدارزیادی ویسکی نوشید .سپس او لبخند زد وبه هری گفت:متشکّرم من الان احساس میکنم خیلی بهتر* هستم. ولی چرا شما نمی نوشید؟ هری پاسخ داد:آه ،خوب ،من الان هیچ ویسکی ای نمیخوام من قصد دارم اینجابشینم ومنتظر پلیس بمونم.(منتظرماندن*)

Starred words:

*stop(v)/stɒp/ ;to cease moving
*traffic lights(n)/ˈtræfɪk laɪts/ ;a set of red,yellow,and green light that control traffic.
*jump(v)/dʒʌmp/ ;move quickly
*frightened(adj)/ˈfraɪtnd/; afraid
*kill(v)/kɪl/;to make sb/sth die.
*bottle(n)/ˈbɒtl/;a container with straight sides and narrow neck.
*shout(v)/ʃaʊt/;to say sth in a loud voice .
*better(adj)/ˈbetə(r)/;comparative of good
*wait(v)/weɪt/;to stay where you are until sb comes.

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About Ahmad Osmani

Ahmad Osmani
I’m Ahmad Osmani, an English teacher and translator with over 17 years of experience. Since the website was launched, I’ve taken on the roles of both administrator and writer. My background includes studying Translation Studies and English Language. I have a passion for learning and teaching various languages. Writing, Teaching and Translating are my primary professions.

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