Pronunciation Tips

نکاتی در مورد لهجه آمریکایی

۱- تو کلماتی که با ing تموم میشن :

doing = doin
Speaking = Speakin
How are you doing? = How are you doin?

۲- کلماتی که با S شروع میشن رو نگین es بگین sssss
Student رو بگین sssssstudent نه estudent

۳-want to = wanna

I want to leave now. = I wanna leave now.

۴- do you want to = wanna
Do you want to go? = Wanna go?

۵- want a = wanna
We want a cat. = We wanna cat.

۶- wants to = wansta
She wants to read. = She wansta read.

۷- going to = gonna
I’m going to wait. = I’m gonna wait.

۸-got to = gotta
I’ve got to go. = I gotta go.

۹-have to = hafta
Do I have to? = Do I hafta?

۱۰- has to = hasta

He has to work. = He hasta work.

۱۱- don’t know = dunno
I don’t know why. = I dunno why.

۱۲-kind of = kinda
He kind of likes you. = He kinda likes you.

۱۳-lot of = lotta
I need a lot of paper. = I need a lotta paper.

۱۴- could have = coulda / couldav
They could have gone. = They coulda gone.

۱۵- should have = shoulda / shouldav
I should have left already. = I shoulda left already.

۱۶-would have = woulda / wouldav
He would have paid. = He woulda paid.

۱۷- might have = mighta / mightav
She might have said yes. = She mighta said yes.

۱۸- must have = musta / mustav
Mike must have lied. = Mike musta lied.

۱۹-give me = gimme
Give me that pen. = Gimme that pen

۲۰-let me = lemme
Let me go! = Lemme go!

۲۱-what are you = whaddaya / whatcha
What are you doing? = Whaddaya doin?

۲۲-and = n
She and I are talking. = She n I are talkin.

۲۳-them = em
Don’t touch them! = Don’t touch em!

۲۴- Him = im
I like him = I like im

۲۵-Her = er
Give it to her = give it to er

۲۶- for = fr
it’s for you = it’s fr u

۲۷- at = et (very short)
Look at = looket

۲۸- you = ya

See you later. = See ya lader.

۲۹- your / you’re = yer

You’re his sister? = Yer his sister?

۳۰- توی فیلم ها اکثرا شنیدین میگن Imma
این لهجه اکثرا واسه رپرها و سیاه پوستهاست
و میتونین معادل -‘I’ -‘I am’ -‘I am going to’ -‘I have’ استفاده کنین

Ok, Ima gonna go home now. see you later. Ima love you..Ima having some food

I am going to.

Example: Ima go to the bathroom.

About Ahmad Osmani

Ahmad Osmani
I’m Ahmad Osmani, an English teacher and translator with over 17 years of experience. Since the website was launched, I’ve taken on the roles of both administrator and writer. My background includes studying Translation Studies and English Language. I have a passion for learning and teaching various languages. Writing, Teaching and Translating are my primary professions.

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