Useful Idioms 17

۵ اصطلاح کاربردی انگلیسی


هرطور میل شماست.

As you wish.


هرطور صلاح بدانید.

As you think proper.


هر چیزی حدی داره.

There is measure in all things.


زیر قولش زد.

He broke his word/promise.


زیپ دهانت را بکش.!!

Button your lip.!!


امیدواریم مطالب ما براتون مفید باشه

لطفا با معرفی ما به دوستان خود ما را حمایت کنید.

About Ahmad Osmani

Ahmad Osmani
I’m Ahmad Osmani, an English teacher and translator with over 17 years of experience. Since the website was launched, I’ve taken on the roles of both administrator and writer. My background includes studying Translation Studies and English Language. I have a passion for learning and teaching various languages. Writing, Teaching and Translating are my primary professions.

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