لغت ۱ درس ۲۴ کتاب ۵۰۴ Fierce / fɪəs / Adjective: Savage; wild, having or displaying a violent or ferocious aggressiveness, cruel, ferocious; powerful, strong; wild; enraged; extremely bad, very severe Adverb: Very; extremely, very much Barry was so fiercely angry that he thrust* his hand through the glass. One must take appropriate* precautions* when approaching* fierce dogs. He took …
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Vicious -504-14-8
لغت هشتم از درس ۱۴ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………….. Vicious / ‘vɪʃəs / Evil; wicked; savage Liza was unpopular* because she was vicious to people she had just met. The vicious editor* published false stories about people he disliked. Mr. Voss was reluctant* to talk about his vicious pit bull. پست، بدجنس، وحشی، بدسگال ، بدکار ، شریر ، تبهکار …
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