Quote #114 …………………………………… If you truly want to change your life, you must first be willing to change your mind. Donald Altman اگر واقعا میخواهید زندگی تان تغییر پیدا کند، باید اول نسبت به تغییر افکارتان تمایل داشته باشید. دونالد آلتمن
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Revise -504-15-5
لغت ۵ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………. Revise / rɪ’vaɪz / Change ; alter*; bring up to date My family revised its weekend plans when the weather turned hazy.* The dictionary was revised and then published in a more expensive* edition. Under the revised rules, Shane was eliminated* from competing.* تغییر دادن، دگرگون کردن، به روز کردن …
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لغت ۲ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………… Alter / ‘ɔːltə / Make different; change; vary I altered my typical* lunch and had a steak instead. Dorothy agreed to alter my dress if I would reveal* its cost to her. It’s absurd* to spend money to alter that old candy store. دگرگون کردن، تغییر دادن، تغییر کردن …
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