لغت ۱۱ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ ……………………………. Pioneer / ‚paɪə’nɪr /-‘nɪə / One who goes first or prepares a way for others My grandfather was a pioneer in selling wholesale* products. England was a pioneer in building large vessels* for tourists. In the fourth grade I assembled* a picture collection of great American pioneers. فردی که ابتدا می …
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Fortunate -504-15-10
لغت ۱۰ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………….. Fortunate / ‘fɔrtʃnət /’fɔːt-/ Having good luck; lucky Wesley was fortunate to have an adequate* sum of money in the bank. It is fortunate that the famine* did not affect our village. The underdog* was fortunate enough to come out a winner. دارای اقبال خوب، خوش شانس “وسلی” خوش شانس بود …
Read More »Unanimous -504-15-9
لغت ۹ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………… Unanimous / juː’nænɪməs / In complete agreement , agreed The class was unanimous in wanting to eliminate* study halls. There has never been an election in our union that was won by a unanimous vote. The Senate, by a unanimous vote, decided to decrease* taxes. در توافق کامل، هم رای دانش …
Read More »Pursue -504-15-8
لغت ۸ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………. Pursue / pər’suː /pə’sju- / Follow; proceed along We pursued the bicycle thief until he vanished* from our vision.* Ernie rowed up the river, pursuing it to its source.* The senior wanted to pursue urban* affairs as his life’s work. پیروی کردن، دنبال کردن دزد دوچرخه را تا جایی تعقیب …
Read More »Casual -504-15-7
لغت ۷ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………….. Casual / ‘kæʒjʊəl / Happening by chance; not planned or expected; not calling attention to itself As the villain* stole the money from the blind man, he walked away in a casual manner. The bartender made a casual remark about the brawl* in the backroom. Following a casual meeting on the street, …
Read More »Pledge -504-15-6
لغت ۶ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ Pledge / pledʒ / Promise Before the grand jury, the sinister* gangster pledged to tell the whole truth. Monte was reluctant* to pledge his loyalty* to his new girlfriend. Pledged to discovering the facts, the journalist* began to dig up new evidence* for his readers. قول دادن تبهکار شرور در برابر …
Read More »Revise -504-15-5
لغت ۵ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………………. Revise / rɪ’vaɪz / Change ; alter*; bring up to date My family revised its weekend plans when the weather turned hazy.* The dictionary was revised and then published in a more expensive* edition. Under the revised rules, Shane was eliminated* from competing.* تغییر دادن، دگرگون کردن، به روز کردن …
Read More »Sacred -504-15-4
لغت ۴ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ Sacred / ‘seɪkrɪd / Worthy of respect , holy Her sacred medal had to be sold because the family was in urgent* need of money. It was revealed* by the journalist* that the sacred temple had been torn down. Kate made a sacred promise to her parents never to miss a Sunday church …
Read More »Mature -504-15-3
لغت ۳ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………. Mature / mə’tjʊə(r) / Ripe; fully grown or developed I could tell that Mitch was mature from the way he persisted* in his work. Only through mature study habits can a person hope to gain knowledge.* It is essential* that you behave in a mature way in the business world. …
Read More »Alter -504-15-2
لغت ۲ از درس ۱۵ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………… Alter / ‘ɔːltə / Make different; change; vary I altered my typical* lunch and had a steak instead. Dorothy agreed to alter my dress if I would reveal* its cost to her. It’s absurd* to spend money to alter that old candy store. دگرگون کردن، تغییر دادن، تغییر کردن …
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