لغت ۱۲ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ………………………………. Opt / ɑpt /ɒpt / Choose or favor; select If you give me an ice cream choice, I’ll opt for chocolate. Our cheerleaders plan to opt for new sweaters. On Friday, three of my buddies will opt to go into the navy. انتخاب کردن یا پسندیدن، برگزیدن اگر انتخاب بستنی را …
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Quantity -504-17-11
لغت ۱۱ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ………………………………………. Quantity / ‘kwɑntətɪ /’kwɒ- / Amount I never neglect* to carry a small quantity of money with me. Who believes that quantity is better than quality? A large quantity of meat is always stored in our freezer. مقدار هرگز به حمل مقدار کمی پول با خودم بی توجهی نمی کنم. …
Read More »Harsh -504-17-10
لغت ۱۰ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ………………………………. Harsh / hɑːʃ / Rough to the touch, taste, eye, or ear; sharp The law is harsh on people who go around menacing* others. Looking at his cigarette, Phil realized it was absurd* to inhale such harsh smoke. Hazel altered* her tone of voice from a harsh one to a soft tone. …
Read More »Nourish -504-17-9
لغت ۹ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ………………………… Nourish / ‘nɜrɪʃ /’nʌ- / Make or keep alive and well, with food; feed; develop an attitude A diet of nourishing food is served to every hospital patient. It was easy to detect* that the skinny boy was not well nourished. After the operation, our doctor plans to nourish my mother with …
Read More »Useful Idioms 55
پنج عبارت و اصطلاح کاربردی ۵۵#: …………………………………………… Go Dutch بیا دونگی حساب کنیم …………………………………………… To white wash ماست مالی کردن …………………………………………… You are all wet سخت در اشتباهی …………………………………………… Back off کوتاه بیا …………………………………………… My heart is heavy دلم گرفته …………………………………………… امیدواریم مطالب ما براتون مفید باشه، لطفا ما را به دوستان خود معرفی کنید: UCLnet.com
Read More »Keg -540-17-8
لغت ۸ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ……………………………… Keg / keg / Small barrel, usually holding less than ten gallons The corner saloon uses numerous* kegs of beer on a Saturday night. “Get a keg of nails,” the carpenter shouted at me. It is obvious* to me that the situation is filled with peril,* a real powder keg if I …
Read More »Wretched -504-17-7
لغت ۷ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ……………………………. Wretched / ‘retʃɪd / very unsatisfactory; miserable I feel wretched after a night when I’ve scarcely* slept. There was unanimous* agreement that we had seen a wretched movie. Toby had wretched luck at the gambling tables. بسیار نامطلوب، اسفبار بعد از اینکه یک شب به سختی توانستم بخوابم، احساس بسیار …
Read More »Avoid -504-17-6
لغت ۶ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ ……………………………….. Avoid / ə’vɔɪd / Keep away from; keep out of the way of If you are fortunate* you can avoid people who are trying to deceive* you. There was no way to avoid noticing her beautiful green eyes. Avoid getting into a brawl* if you can. دوری کردن از، اجتناب کردن از …
Read More »Misfortune -504-17-5
لغت ۵ از درس ۱۷ کتاب ۵٠۴ …………………………………… Misfortune / mɪs’fɔrtʃən /-‘fɔː- / Bad luck It was my misfortune that our car wasn’t thoroughly* checked before the trip through the desert. Being bitten by the vicious* dog was quite a misfortune for Tommy. I had the misfortune of working for a greedy* man. بد شانسی از بد شانسی …
Read More »Aware -504-17-4
لغت ۴ از درس ١٧ کتاب ۵٠۴ ……………………………… Aware / ə’weə / Knowing; realizing Donna was aware of her tendency* to exaggerate.* It was some time before the police became aware of the brawl* that was taking place on the street. One way to gain knowledge* is to be aware of everything around you. آگاه ، مطلع …
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