Tag Archives: وفاداری

لغت ۱۱ و ۱۲ درس ۳۲ کتاب ۵۰۴

لغت ۱۱ درس ۳۲ کتاب ۵۰۴ Provide: / prəˈvʌɪd / Verb To supply; to state as a condition; to prepare for or against some situation, furnish; give, grant; prepare for in advance; set, make arrangements How can we provide job opportunities for all our graduates? Hal said he would bring the ball provided he would be allowed to pitch. The …

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Quote 109

Quote #109 ……………………… A woman’s loyalty is tested when her man has nothing…. A man’s loyalty is tested when he has everything.. وفاداری یک زن وقتی محک زده میشه که همسرش چیزی نداره. وفاداری یک مرد وقتی معلوم میشه که همه چیز داره.

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آموزش مکالمه زبـان انگلیســی