Tag Archives: هماهنگی

لغت ۹ و ۱۰ درس ۳۶ کتاب ۵۰۴

لغت ۹ درس ۳۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Harmony: / ˈhɑːməni/ Noun Situation of getting on well together or going well together; sweet or musical sound, unity, agreement, accord; pleasing balance, symmetry; pleasing combination of tones, polyphony; tunefulness, melodiousness, mellifluousness, balance, symmetry, congruity, consonance, coordination, compatibility, accord, agreement, peace, peacefulness, amity, amicability, friendship, fellowship, cooperation, understanding, consensus, unity, sympathy, rapport, like-mindedness; unison, …

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