لغت ششم از درس ۱۴ کتاب ۵۰۴ ………………………………. Brawl / brɔːl / A noisy quarrel or fight The journalist* covered all the details of the brawl in the park. Larry dreaded* a brawl with his father over finding a job. What started out as a polite discussion soon became a violent* brawl. بحث یا جنگ پر سر و صدا، داد …
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Violent -504-14-3
لغت سوم از درس ۱۴ کتاب ۵۰۴ …………………………… Violent / ‘vaɪələnt / Acting or done with strong, rough force Carefully, very carefully, we approached* the violent man. Violent behavior is prohibited* on school grounds. Vernon had a tendency* to be violent when someone angered him. خشن، خشونت آمیز با احتیاط، خیلی با احتیاط به آن مرد خشن نزدیک …
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