Tag Archives: غمگین

لغت ۷ و ۸ درس ۳۸ کتاب ۵۰۴

لغت ۷ درس ۳۸ کتاب ۵۰۴ Dejected / dɪˈdʒɛktɪd / Adjective In low spirits; sad, depressed, downcast, downhearted, despondent, disconsolate, dispirited, crestfallen, disheartened; depressed, crushed, desolate, heartbroken, in the doldrums, sad, unhappy, doleful, melancholy, miserable, woebegone, forlorn, wretched, glum, gloomy, blue, crestfallen, depressed, disconsolate, dispirited, down, downhearted, low, woebegone   His biography* related* that Edison was not dejected by failure. …

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