Come Idioms

✳️Idioms using “COME”

۱٫ come about
?Meaning: happen
?Example: The event you were waiting for has come about.

۲٫ come across
?Meaning: find unexpectedly
?Example: Reading a book I came across a photo of my hometown.

?Meaning: provide services on demand
?Example: She pressured her manager, but he didn’t come across with
her raise.

۳٫ come across as
?Meaning: give the impression of
?Example: He comes across as a reasonable man, but in fact, he is

۴٫ come down with [an illness] ?Meaning: get [an illness] ?Example: I don’t feel well; I think I’m coming down with the flu.

۵٫ come in handy
?Meaning: prove useful
?Example: I kept batteries in my flashlight because I know it could
come in handy in an emergency.

۶٫ come out
?Meaning: be published, appear
?Example: The new issue of the magazine came out last week.

?Meaning: reveal one’s homosexuality
?Example: His parents were shocked when he came out.

?Meaning: emerge
? Example: From our discussion it came out that we all disagreed on
every point.

۷٫ come through
?Meaning: survive
?Example: She came through her illness at last.

۸٫ come through for
?Meaning: support through difficulty
? Example: He really came through for me when my daughter was in the

۹٫ come up
?Meaning: be mentioned
?Example: We were talking about students, and your name came up.

About Ahmad Osmani

Ahmad Osmani
I’m Ahmad Osmani, an English teacher and translator with over 17 years of experience. Since the website was launched, I’ve taken on the roles of both administrator and writer. My background includes studying Translation Studies and English Language. I have a passion for learning and teaching various languages. Writing, Teaching and Translating are my primary professions.

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