Tag Archives: آرام کردن

لغت ۵ و ۶ درس ۳۶ کتاب ۵۰۴

لغت ۵ درس ۳۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Soothe: / suːð / verb Quiet; calm; comfort, pacify, appease, comfort, hush, subdue, settle (down), lull, tranquillize, conciliate, mollify, alleviate, ease, relieve, take the edge off, assuage, allay, lessen, palliate, diminish, decrease, dull, blunt With an embrace,* the mother soothed the hurt child. Heat soothes some aches; cold soothes others. Rosalie’s nerves were soothed …

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لغت ٩ و ١٠ درس ۲۶ کتاب ۵۰۴

لغت ٩ درس ۲۶ کتاب ۵۰۴ Utter / ˈʌtə / Verb:  Speak; make known; express, say, voice; express, pronounce, articulate Adjective: Complete, total, absolute When Violet accidentally stepped on the nail, she uttered a sharp cry of pain. Seth was surprised when he was told that he had uttered Joan’s name in his sleep. When Mr. Fuller saw that his …

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